Syndromic Retinopathy
Gene: ELOVL4
Well-established gene-disease associations. Monoallelic loss-of-function variants are associated with macular dystrophy/Stargardt disease. Biallelic loss-of-function variants cause congenital ichthyosis-intellectual disability-spastic quadriplegia syndrome. Monoallelic missense variants cause spinocerebellar ataxia.Created: 1 Apr 2022, 3:07 a.m. | Last Modified: 1 Apr 2022, 3:07 a.m.
Panel Version: 0.12390
Mode of inheritance
BOTH monoallelic and biallelic, autosomal or pseudoautosomal
congenital ichthyosis-intellectual disability-spastic quadriplegia syndrome MONDO:0013760; spinocerebellar ataxia type 34 MONDO:0007574; Stargardt disease MONDO:0019353
Variants in this GENE are reported as part of current diagnostic practice
gene: ELOVL4 was added gene: ELOVL4 was added to Syndromic Retinopathy. Sources: Expert Review Green,RetNet Mode of inheritance for gene: ELOVL4 was set to MONOALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal, imprinted status unknown Phenotypes for gene: ELOVL4 were set to Macular dystrophy, autosomal dominant, chromosome 6-linked, 600110; Stargardt disease 3, 600110; Ichthyosis, spastic quadriplegia, and mental retardation, 614457