

Date Panel Item Activity
7 actions
Growth failure v0.159 CHD7 Zornitza Stark Marked gene: CHD7 as ready
Growth failure v0.159 CHD7 Zornitza Stark Gene: chd7 has been classified as Green List (High Evidence).
Growth failure v0.159 CHD7 Zornitza Stark Phenotypes for gene: CHD7 were changed from CHARGE syndrome, 214800; CHARGE syndrome - ocular coloboma, choanal atresia, cranial nerve defects, distinctive external and inner ear abnormalities, hearing loss, cardiovascular malformations, urogenital anomalies, and growth retardation to CHARGE syndrome, MIM# 214800
Growth failure v0.158 CHD7 Zornitza Stark Classified gene: CHD7 as Green List (high evidence)
Growth failure v0.158 CHD7 Zornitza Stark Gene: chd7 has been classified as Green List (High Evidence).
Growth failure v0.157 CHD7 Zornitza Stark reviewed gene: CHD7: Rating: GREEN; Mode of pathogenicity: None; Publications: ; Phenotypes: CHARGE syndrome, MIM# 214800; Mode of inheritance: MONOALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal, NOT imprinted
Growth failure v0.0 CHD7 Zornitza Stark gene: CHD7 was added
gene: CHD7 was added to Growth failure in early childhood. Sources: Genomics England PanelApp,Expert Review Red
Mode of inheritance for gene: CHD7 was set to MONOALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal, NOT imprinted
Publications for gene: CHD7 were set to 16400610
Phenotypes for gene: CHD7 were set to CHARGE syndrome, 214800; CHARGE syndrome - ocular coloboma, choanal atresia, cranial nerve defects, distinctive external and inner ear abnormalities, hearing loss, cardiovascular malformations, urogenital anomalies, and growth retardation