

Date Panel Item Activity
4 actions
Ataxia - adult onset v0.69 DRPLA Bryony Thompson Classified STR: DRPLA as Green List (high evidence)
Ataxia - adult onset v0.69 DRPLA Bryony Thompson Str: drpla has been classified as Green List (High Evidence).
Ataxia - adult onset v0.68 DRPLA Bryony Thompson STR: DRPLA was added
STR: DRPLA was added to Ataxia - adult onset. Sources: Expert list
STR tags were added to STR: DRPLA.
Mode of inheritance for STR: DRPLA was set to MONOALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal, NOT imprinted
Publications for STR: DRPLA were set to 29325606; 20301664
Phenotypes for STR: DRPLA were set to Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy MIM#125370
Review for STR: DRPLA was set to GREEN
STR: DRPLA was marked as clinically relevant
Added comment: NM_001007026​.1:c.1462_1464CAG[X]
Toxic gain of function mechanism of disease
Benign: ≤35 repeats
Mutable normal: 20-35 repeats
Pathogenic: ≥48 repeats
Age <20 years: ≥63 repeats - ataxia, myoclonus, seizures, progressive intellectual deterioration
Age 21-40 years 61-69 repeats, >40 years 48-67 repeats: ataxia, choreoathetosis, dementia, psychiatric disturbance
Sources: Expert list
Ataxia - adult onset v0.32 ATN1 Bryony Thompson gene: ATN1 was added
gene: ATN1 was added to Ataxia - adult onset. Sources: Expert list
STR tags were added to gene: ATN1.
Mode of inheritance for gene: ATN1 was set to MONOALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal, NOT imprinted
Publications for gene: ATN1 were set to 7633415
Phenotypes for gene: ATN1 were set to Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy MIM#125370
Mode of pathogenicity for gene: ATN1 was set to Other
Review for gene: ATN1 was set to GREEN
Added comment: DRPLA contains various combinations of myoclonus, seizures, ataxia, choreoathetosis, and dementia, and is only caused by trinucleotide repeat expansion. Mean age of onset is 30 years of age.
From OMIM: In 22 patients unstable expansion of a CAG unit in the DRPLA gene was identified. Each patient was a heterozygote with 1 allele in the normal range (8-25 repeat units) and a second expanded allele with the range of 54-68 repeat units. There were no overlaps in the number of CAG repeat units between control chromosomes and DRPLA chromosomes.
Sources: Expert list