

Date Panel Item Activity
5 actions
Ataxia - adult onset v0.31 FXN Bryony Thompson Classified gene: FXN as Green List (high evidence)
Ataxia - adult onset v0.31 FXN Bryony Thompson Added comment: Comment on list classification: Both repeat and SNV can cause disease
Ataxia - adult onset v0.31 FXN Bryony Thompson Gene: fxn has been classified as Green List (High Evidence).
Ataxia - adult onset v0.30 FXN Bryony Thompson Tag STR tag was added to gene: FXN.
Ataxia - adult onset v0.0 FXN Bryony Thompson gene: FXN was added
gene: FXN was added to Ataxia - adult onset_RMH. Sources: Expert Review Green,Royal Melbourne Hospital
Mode of inheritance for gene: FXN was set to BIALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal
Phenotypes for gene: FXN were set to Friedreich ataxia with retained reflexes,229300; Friedreich ataxia, 229300; Friedreichataxia, 229300